The Beginning of the Journey

For years Jay Watson and Kyle Wiltshire wanted to write a book. You can’t watch as many movies together as they have and not have the itch to tell a story of your own. Their frequent phone calls to one another often involved pitches for possible stories they could write one day.  

Most of the time these pitches were either very broad plot summaries like, “An eccentric family is trying to survive a zombie apocalypse together and hijinks ensue” or just scenes like, “What if a guy robs a bank, gets hungry, pulls into a drive-thru, and gets trapped there?” 

Some of their ideas were good. Some were not. 

After countless conversations and many ideas they feel like they finally found THE idea. This is not the time for details, but the story they’ve dreamed up is something that they feel a lot of people will love. It’s not just a story. It’s a universe. It’s called The Dead Rock Stars. 

So, how can two creative minds work together to write a story? Jay and Kyle didn’t know, so on September 8, 2018, they met for the first time to concoct a plan. Much like their phone calls from years before, they pitched ideas and kicked around potential plot points.

Some of their ideas were good. Some were not. 

Eventually, they mapped out a broad outline of where they wanted the story to go and broke it down into a few beginning chapters. Then they divided up the chapters and made assignments as to who would write what. 

This is only the beginning for this duo. The road to completing the story is long but there’s no telling what the future will hold for this pair. Exciting days lay ahead.


Slow and Steady